Thursday, April 26, 2012

Collin's Birth Story

After much thought, we opted to be induced because Collin was measuring a little big on ultrasound.  He was projected to be anywhere from 8lbs 6oz to 9 lbs!  I did not want to have that big of a baby first time around.  I have seen what this can do!!  We went in on Halloween night (39 weeks) at 8:30 pm for a Cervadil induction.  We got checked in, paperwork signed, IV started, and hooked up to the monitor for a routine NST.  Collin looked great, with many accels and his heart rate was in the 130s and 140s, and I was already contracting about every 3 minutes.  I contracted a lot, especially at work, so I wasn't surprised.  They just weren't really effective.  I was still 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced when we arrived.  At 9:30 pm, Natalie, my nurse, placed the Cervadil in my cervix and my contractions got stronger and more frequent.  Around 3 am I felt like the contractions were much stronger and I was getting pretty uncomfortable.  I really never fell into a good sleep, just kind of dozed off and on.  At that time I was contracting every 2 minutes.  At 4:45 am, Natalie removed the Cervadil and started the Pitocin.  I was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced.  at 6:45 am I was thinking I was ready for my epidural, and since there was a 7:30 c section I didn't want to get stuck hurting waiting for the anesthesiologist to finish up with the c section.  So at 6:45 Dr. Kinsinger placed my epidural.  It was Heaven on Earth!!  He does the best.  You can move your legs around and turn, but you can't feel any pain!  The only thing I didn't like about the epidural was I itched from head to toe.  It was so annoying, but definitely worth it!  I was 3 cm dilated and still 75% effaced.  At 8:15 am, my dayshift nurse, Jessica came on, but my cervix hadn't changed any.  Our pastor, Blair, stopped by to visit and pray at 9:25.  At 9:45 Jessica checked me again, but still no changes.  I was praying this wouldn't continue because I did NOT want a section.  I would have flipped out!  Collin was looking good and tolerating labor, so she continued to increase my Pitocin.  at 11:25 Jessica broke my water and I was 3-4 cm dilated, still 75% effaced, and Collin's head was at 0 station!  Yay, progress!!  1:05 pm I was now 4-5 cm, still 75% effaced, and 0 station.  2:30 pm I was 5 cm, 85% effaced, and +1 station.  He was starting to slowly move down.  At 4:05 pm I was now 6-7 cm, still 85% effaced and +1 station.  5:15 pm I was 8 cm, 90% effaced and +2 station.  Finally at 6:35 I was complete, fully effaced, and +2 station!  At 7, Natalie was back on, and Jessica left for the day.  I couldn't have had better nurses than them!  They were awesome.  I labored down until 8:05, and then started pushing.  I knew I didn't want to be one of those who has to push for hours, so I was pushing the best I could.  I felt like I was getting no where, but he was just slow to come out.  Finally at 9:16 pm on November 1, 2011 our lives were forever changed, and sweet baby Collin made his appearance!  LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!  He weighed in at 7lbs 15oz and 20.5 inches long.  The best part, was that Dr. Goff allowed Alan to help deliver.  He was on cloud 9! 

Looking back, I can't believe how swollen I was.  It was terrible! 

Ready to catch a baby!!

Awful swelling!
 My Dr. is here!

 Of course my Epidural pump ran out mid pushing, and I was feeling EVERYTHING, so Dr. Kinsinger thankfully came in and re dosed me.

Those are Alan's hands on his head!  Best experience having your husband place your brand new baby on your tummy.  We are so blessed to have such a wonderful OB who gave us to this experience.


First shot....Vitamin K
 He doesn't look too happy with Amy!  I think he wants to be back with his Momma!
Big boy!

 Dr. Goff is soo sweet with Collin.  He was so concerned because Collin was pretty pale, and wouldn't really cry.  That is his hand on his back rubbing it.
 So they took him and put some oxygen on and checked his oxygen saturation.  He was satting just fine and took off the oxygen and kept his room air sats up, so they gave him back to me.  The nurse in me wasn't thinking.  I should have kept him skin to skin to transition!

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